サイズは2種類。周囲14.5mm、長さ400mmの「NASU」。標準的なスティックより少しだけ長い周囲14mm、長さ410mmの「ROUGE」。どちらも初心者からプロユースにも耐えうるスティックです。チップの形状は「マル型」を採用。ヘッドに接触する面積が少ないので明るい音色が得られ、手元の繊細なアプローチにもしっかりと反応します。 スティック表面にはメキシコのルチャ・ドール(=プロレスラー)の、マスクをモチーフにしたエンブレムをプリント。四角いジャングルで戦うルチャ・ドールのような情熱的なプレイを可能に!(する、かもしれません)。
elbow stick, Made In Japan
Most of the standard drum sticks are manufactured abroad. But elbow stick is made in Japan domestic stick. It is due to transport from overseas to reduce CO2 emissions. The whole process is a domestic product made in Japan. We have focused on the concept “play a big sound.” We decided this specification, it can get a lot of musicians prototype trial purposes. Material has excellent strength with light and sound create a core, was selected hickory. Since most standard, which player and what genre to Cedar.
Two sizes. Around 14.5mm, length 400mm, “NASU”. Stick around a little longer than the standard 14mm, length 410mm, “ROUGE”. Stick it to withstand professional use even for beginners. Tip shape is “round” has been hired. It gives a bright sound Head for the small contact area. The proper response from the hand even subtle approach. Stick to the surface, the Mexican Lucha Doll (wrestler) was printed with the motif of the mask emblem. Passionate play fighting in the jungle like Lucha Dole, now you can. (You may).